Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 22 July 18 2009

Binscarth Man. To Neepawa

Depart: 6:45am
Arrive: 5:00 pm

Daily Distance: 152.14 km
Time: 7:46.50
Odo: 2400.8 km
Max. 39.7 km/hr
Avg speed:19.5 km/hr

Weather: Sunny and Hot

The highway was shoulderless  as I expected. Fotuately it was only for the first 60km and it wasn't that unsafe. Because this section of road was long and flat I could see traffic coming from 3km away which gave me lots of time to pull over if I figured the oncoming traffic was going to meet the the traffic travelling my direction and myself all at the same time.. Leaving before the traffic got to bad helped.
I found the nicest town I"ve seen so far, Neepawa Manitoba, lots of pride in the homes here, very tidy.
I happened to stumble into. Town in the midst of "lilly fair" so you can imagine how much activity there was. Neepawa is also home of Margret Laurance, who knew.
The Lions club runs the campsite here, its just like camping in Stanley park best campsite by far. I