Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 25 July 21 2009

Richer Man. To Kenora Ont.

Depart: 8:00 am
Arrive: 4!00 pm

Daily distance : 161.70 km
Time: 7:16:02
Odo: 2821.4 km
Max: 49.4 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 22.2km/hr

Weather: Sun/cloud/ light rain. Wind: SW
Roads: several patches of gravel shoulder but very managable driving on the roadway. Rolling hillls start 40km west of ontario border. New asphalt being layed wiith shoulder from Ont border to 20km east.

Finally off the prarie and into more familiar looking scenery, eastern Manitoba and the beggining of Ontario remind me of the Sunshine Coast which I have always been fond of. Although there are more hills, they're what I call "roller coasters", you get up enough steam on the downhills to get up and over the next hump without having to work very hard.
If I had known how many wrenches and sockets were laying on the roadside I would have towed a roller cabinet, todays catch was a nice pair of needle nose pliers. I've decided not to keep sockets as I already have quite the collection at home.
Prior to leaving Manitoba I was really wanting to find a dollar in change, I found a quarter yesterday making $.70 total. With only 100km to go today things weren't looking good.
I was 20km from Richer (which is 30km from the middle of no where) when I spotted a heavy winter coat down in the ditch. During my trip I've seen every type of clothing lying on the side of the road including mens and womens undergarments (NOTE: no womens undergarnents were noted in Saskatchewan) so I wasn't to alarmed when I saw a coat.  As I peddled on for the next few meters I thought to myself ' hmmm that's strange, was there jeans sticking out of the bottom of the coat with boots on the ends of them'. I slammed on the brakes and hesitated before going back for another look. Sure enough, as I approached I could tell there was a body in the coat. When you come across situations like this all sorts of things go through your head. The first thought I had was to get a stick to poke him with, the second thought  was wondering whether or not he had thirty cents on him. All I could actually do was shout at him "HEY" then he answered me" f... Off" "you ok" I said, he answed back "f... Off" "you need something to eat, water?" I asked. "I'm sleeping now f... Off"
I left wonderig what he was doing there.  I see lots of people out wandering in the middle of nowhere, I guess they need to sleep too.
I never did make my dollar goal, Manitoba didn't leave me much richer.
Ijm in Kanora tonight and debating having a rest day, it looks like a great place to hang out for the day, a mini Victoria. I'll stay here if its raining in the morning, gotta make miles if the sun smiles.