Yorkton Sask to Binscarth Manitoba
Depart 8:45 am
Arrive: 6:00 pm (7:00pm Man time)
Daily Distance 128.14 km
Time: 6:02.59
Odo: 2248.7km
Max Speed: 42.8 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 21.2 km/hr
Weather: Overcast in the Morning, Hot and Sunny in the afternoon.
Another good cycling day although I think that may be the last of the good ones for a while. Although the roads were good for the first 25km of Manitoban hwys the last few were challanging as the shoulder is non-existant, hopefully it's just a rough patch I'll know better in the morning.
Three weeks today of being on the road and three provinces behind me, arrived in Manitoba today and got to move the clock ahead again, I'm now 2 hrs ahead of BC time. I'm happy with my 132km/cycling day average and 107km/day overall. I'm not planning another restday until Ontario so I hope to bring that 107km/day overall number higher.
The asphalt in Sask contains a lot of glass fragments making the pavement glitter. When riding on that type of pavement I was never sure whether I was about to run over glass or not At times, I would also think some of the larger chunks were coins. Occasionally I would stop to go back and checkto see if it was a coin. but never did I find anything, so I just gave up. Coming into Manitoba the asphalt was different, no glass. Within 5km I found a quarter and 2 dimes which leaves me wondering if I should go back and check Saskatchewan.
Up early tomorrow to try and beat traffic until I can figure out the road conditions.
Happy 40th Stacey