Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 33 July 29 2009

Terrace Bay to 40km w of White River

Depart: 8:00am
Arrive: 6:30 pm

Daily Distance: 142. 89km
Time: 8:10:18
Odo: 3679.6 km
Max. 51.4 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 17.5 km/hr

Weather: Sunny and Cloudy most of the day, two rain showers.

Roads: Good, (B+)

Waited for the rain to stop then took off. I was determined to make better milage today. The first 80 km to Marathon  was short steep hills, I stopped counting after ten, it makes for slow going. Just as I approached Marathon, the rain started, I decided to go for lunch and get a few groceries. After waiting about 2 hrs  I was thinking I was going to have to stay having completed only 85km, then the rain stopped and I decided to keep going.
Just outside Marathon I stopped at the information booth to see how far it was to the next campsite. It's been bothering me that when I ask how far a destination is I always get an answer like " about 20 mins" to which I ussually reply "on my bike?" The other answer I get is always in miles, common in these parts. So today I go in and say " hi I'm on my bicycle heading to White River, how far in Kilometers is the campground?" So she tells me " about half an hour" " oh so its close" I say " ya, about 25 miles" she says. I give up
I made my milage that I wanted too today and have positioned myself to make decent hops between the next towns and campsites. I'm starting to see the light at the end of the Ontario tunnel.