Ignace ont to Upsala Ont
Depart: 8:30 am (Central)
Arrive:: 5:00 pm (Eastern)
Daily Distance: 111.96 km
Time: 5:53.50
Odo: 3183.6 km
Max. 42.7 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 19.0 km/hr
Weather: Rain/sun
Roads: C+: narrow shoulders with split asphalt.
The rain last long enough to get me soaked before the sun comes out long enough to dry off, then another downpour. I was wanting to go further than Upsala today but a thunderstorm made me run for cover to a gas station where the attendant phoned and got me a room in the local motel.
My friend Rocky told me of a collection of plastic debris comprised mainly of plastic bottles floating out in the Pacific Ocean. Apparenty, all plastic litter eventually finds itself caught in currents called the Pacific Gyro and has been spun into a ball the size of a large city. When I used to ride the Island HigHway I would notice a lot of recyclable containers laying on the roadside and always wondered if I could collect enough bottles to fund my way across the country, I'm glad I never chose that option. First, most provinces don't use the deposit system , when I return my water bottles most times clerks will just throw bottles in the garbage and look at me like I'm some hippy freak. Secondly, when I started this trip, I found it strange how many half filled bottles of Iced tea were lying on the side of the road, turns out its not Iced tea in those bottles.
When they go to unravel the plastic mass out in the Pacific Gyro that's been destroyng marine life, I hope they wear gloves.