Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 48. Aug 13 2009

L-Islet QC to Cabano QC

Depart: 6 :30 am
Arrive: 6:30pm

Daily Distance: 173.35 km
Time: 9:18:14
Odo: 5631.8 km
Max. 52.4 km/hr
Avg.: 18.6 km/hr

Weather: Sunny 24 Wind S 10

Road:  Flat until Riviere du loup, steady 4% grade firs 50 km of trail to Cabano
Road and trail condition (A)

Had a quick ride to R du Loup,  I had done 110 km and had lunch by 1:00. I wanted to get to Cabano and because I had made good time to RDL so I opted to take the bike path. The path is part of the Route Verte and Trans Canada trail systems and although they are longer and slower, they're generally more shaded and quieter. Being there's no traffic it dawned on me that I could listen to my IPod instead of the voices in my head  that were beggining to speak French, I was hoping the music would  re-set everything.
The trail also provided " rustic" campsites which I am staying in tonight and are better than most campsites I've stayed in, however I do miss the sound of the generators in motor homes running all night.
Lorraine has booked my Ferry to NFLd for the 24th and my flight home on the 29th, I wanted earlier but she insisted I stay a little longer.