Mattawa Ont to Pembroke Ont
Depart 8:00am
Arrive: 6:00 pm
Daily distance: 146.02 km
Time: 7:51:08
Odo: 4694.1 km
Max: 52.1 km/hr
Avg. Speed. 18.6 km/hr
Weather: overcast with sunny periods.
Road: hilly first 100km then flattened out past Deep River
Shoulder: (D-)
Spent the first 100km yoyoing up and down with really poor asphalt, in several areas the asphalt was broken half way into the drive lane. The rough roads rattled me to the bone, I hit my front wheel hard twice and shook the mirror on my helmut right off. Taking a run at hills was impossible so each climb was a slow grind.
I pulled into a restraunt in Rolfton where a fella asked me to join him at his table and wanted to hear about my trip. In order not to repulse him with my "cycling cologne" I opted to sit at the table next to him. We were joined by his cousin and both these guys gave me good play by play on the upcoming road conditions. I always enjoy chatting with the locals, I gave him my blog adress to follow my trip. When I went to pay my lunch bill it had been taken care of. Unfortunatly these guys names have slipped my mind an I'm hoping I get an Email from him so I can add him to my "thank you" list.
After a good flat ride to Pembroke I found a cheap Motel, when I asked the owner if there was a place close by to eat he said "No" but went into his Kitchen and loaded me up with supplies for dinner.
Today was yet another reminder of how good complete strangers can be and there are lots of good folk out there.