Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 58 (final day) Aug 23 2009

Dunville to St. John's Nfld.

Depart: 7:30 am
Arrive: 2:14 pm

Daily distance: 126. 31 km
Time: 5:56:28
Odo: 6853.4 km (Total trip distance)
Max. 56.7 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 21.5 km/hr

Weather: Light fog/ 22 deg
Road: Easy grades
Shoulder: good condition narrow in some sewctions (B-)

I got up early to catch the weather network, it looked like clear sailing as the Hurricane isn't due until tonight. Frank and. Barb had breakfast going and I packed the bike. I hade a great homemade breakfast, prune yogurt, bacon, eggs, and home made jams on homemade toasted bread. I filled my water bottle and was given 3 muffins for the road, I like this B&B set up.
The ride today went smooth with the tailwind and I msnaged to beat Bill to SJ.
I found the Terry Fox monument where Barb had suggested I dip my front wheel but the waterfront access had been fenced off since 911. I spoke with a security guard who took my picture at the monument and led me to a low dock at Harbourside Park. At 2:14 Newfie time, with my front tire dipped into SJ harbour, and having beat Bill  I officially completed my trip.
After getting settled in a B&B in the downtown I went for a walk and ran into the two couples I had met on the ferry, they were on a patio at one of the many pubs, I joined them and they bought me a couple of beers, it was a nice way to wrap up the trip.
I want to extend a very big thank you to everyone that helped me along the way by sending Emails, feeding me, giving me places to stay, providing directions and advise,  servicing the bike, I did not do this trip alone. I would also like to give my biggest thanks to Lorraine who encouraged me to do this trip, supported me and provided many hours looking up information, booking rooms, ferrys, planes, looking after the house and kept my prize lawn green and manicured, even through BC's  heat wave.
Im taking a day or two to look around SJ and to rearrange my airline ticKet, when I get home I will be doing a final update to the blog.