Blind Bay Ont to Sudbury Ont.
Depart: 9:00 am
Arrive: 7:00pm
Daily Distance: 172.0 km
Time: 8:32:15
Odo: 4370.6 km
Max. 48.3 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 20.1 km/hr
Weather: Rain/ overcast 19 degrees Wind: SW 10 km/hr
Roads: fairly flat, easy grades
Shoulder: (C--)
I was wondering how I escaped the usual heavy Sunday traffic yesterday, then I realized Monday was the holiday. I had a good ride in the morning even in the rain. About 1:00 pm the traffic started and it was a steady stream in both directions until about 5:00. That, combined with poor shoulders made the section from Massey to Sudbury made me feel the most uncomfortable since I left.
As I will be going grocery shopping tomorrow I wanted to finish up some old stuff I had been hauling around for the last week or so. I was making a peanut butter and prune roll up on Weight Watchers wraps (1 point each) when I spotted a small bear, it wad clawing at a tree. By the time I got my camera out it had disappeared, I guess he wasn't interested in my snack.
I arrived in Sudbury late (for me) and had a hard time finding a cheap motel, its harder in larger centres because everything is spread out further, in small towns you can see eveything no matter where you are.
Young Kurtis in our office had sent me an Email giving me his parents contact information in Sudbury, I called them and have arranged to take my rest day there and spend the next night with them, thanks Kurtis.
Philip sent an Email, he had bike problems and got a ride to Sault, that along with my rest day may put us in contact.