Woodstock NB to Fredricton NB
Depart: 8:00 am
Arrive: 8:00pm
Daily Distance: 122.43km
Time: 6:53:23
Odo: 6020.0 km
Max.: 46.3 km/hr
Avg. Speed. 17.7 km/hr
Weather: Sunny/Hot 31 deg 38 humidex
Roads: Lots of hills on Hwy 2, 105, 102.
Condition: (B+)
Got onto Hwy 2, the new TC highway to try it out. After putting in about 10km I was heading down a hill full speed and the tail end of the bike started swaying, another flat, two in 2 days, this time a shard of glass. Burt whom I met last night and his wife were passing by, saw me and stopped, I was ok so they headed on, NB is good for people wanting to help, even if they are from Ontario.
It started getting hot so I thought I'd get back to 105 which I felt would be better shaded, which it was, but it was full of short steep hills which, combined with the heat was very draining.
I was about to take the bypass route around a little town called Nackawick when an old guy who was stopped in his car called me over. "If you go that way you won't see the worlds largest axe, you can get back onto the highway at the other end of town" how could I resist, it was very impressive, quite sharp.
I got to the next town after several rest stops and bought a couple of popsicles. Before I left the store I thought I'd top up the rear tire with air. as I was removing the pump, I tore the valve stem right out of the tube, another flat to fix. I ended up speaking to several people, one nice lady even gave me a map of Fredricton which came in useful and provided me a better route than I had planned, figure it saved me half a hour in the heat.
5:30 start tomorrow heading towards Moncton.