Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 54 Aug 19 2009

Murrays Beach NB to Pictou NS (Via PEI)

Depart: 7:00 am
Arrive: 8:30 pm

Daily Distance:145.36 km
Time: 7:47:52
Odo: 6441.0 km
Max: 41.7 km/hr
Avg. Speed: 18.6 km/hr

Weather: Sunny/Hot/ Muggy/overcast in the afternoon

Wind: SW 15

Roads: gentle grades/ some small hills
NB (A+)
PEI wide shoulders but in poor condition (C-)

Stepped out of the tent this morning and was greeted by a skunk, I think he was scared away by my odour. Actually, the campsite last night had laundry facilities so all my domestic chores are up to date. I have enough clean clothes to last me until I throw them all out at the end of the trip.
1 day, and I've set foot in three provinces, never done that before. My time in the Maritimes is far too short, I loved NB and plan on returning to see PEI, it looked like a beautiful spot to spend some time in, I feel I could fit in here (except in the winter)
The Northumberland straight was covered in a haze this morning so I never got a picture of the Confederation Bridge and was somewhat disappointed.
Dale, the fellow I met in Aggasiz is from these parts and knows everyone, when I got up this morning there was a note on my bike from the park staff saying goodmorning ( they must have been by later than 8:30 last night) and when I went to get the shuttle to cross the bridge the lady knew my name. I spoke with Dale on the phone grom the shuttle booth and we may hook up tomorrow for a short ride.
Bridge Shuttle and return ferry is $20.00, great deal..